What is Laser Eye Surgery?
Laser eye surgery is a short operation whereby the cornea (window of the eye) is dissected with a special keratome (cutting instrument) and then modified/remodelled with laser.
The laser ablation is individualized for each patient by the doctor and controlled by computer, according to internationalized statistical standards.
Myopic or short-sighted patients, as well as far-sighted patients, often have a lifelong dependency on spectacles and/or contact lenses. For various reasons, these patients may wish to dispose of their spectacles and contact lenses.
To be eligible for the treatment you should:
- Be at least 17 years old, with refraction having remained stable for at least one year (there is no maximum age, but presbyopia – a condition that many times requires bifocals in patients over 40 years of age – should be considered)
- Have no active eye disease
- Be in good health
What are the risks?
Lasik is entirely an elective procedure. As with any medical procedure, there are risks involved.
Lasik cannot always produce 20/20 or even 20/40 vision. Lasik does not correct presbyopia – a condition that many times requires bifocals in patients over 40 years of age. After Lasik, some patients may require reading glasses for close up work.
- Infection – extremely rare.
- Lasik patients may suffer from night vision effects, similar to those experienced with contact lenses.
- Transient corneal haze. (3-4%). Less in lower ranges of correction. (Virtually non-existent with Lasik).
- Significant regression (3-4%). Usually the same group as the corneal haze. Usually responds well to re-treatment.
- Long term stability. Refraction changes after 6 months tend to be small and to approach a final value in an asymptomatic fashion.
- Some patients complain of a dry eye, light sensitivity, blurry vision at times. This will resolve as the eye heals. Artificial tear supplements are used routinely after Lasik for one to six months.
- In some rare cases, it may be necessary for re-treatment, typically 6 weeks to 6 months after the initial procedure.
Preparing for Laser Surgery:
- 4-6 weeks prior to consultation, hard contact lens wearers will be required to remove lenses and wear soft contact lenses or glasses for this period.
- Soft contact lens wear should be stopped at least 3 days prior to surgery.
- Three (3) days prior to surgery wearing all cosmetics should be stopped. Even with the utmost care taken when removing make-up, fine particles are still left and can be seen under magnification.
- On the day of the surgery, dress warmly as it is very cold inside the theatre.
Post-operative Care:
- On the day of surgery, take your medication as directed. You may bath, but you MAY NOT wash your hair.
- See your ophthalmologist the day after surgery as directed and DO NOT remove eye patches prior to the consultation. Continue with drops as directed.
- DO NOT wear any make-up for the first week after surgery
- DO NOT rub your eyes.
- DO NOT play any contact sport for the 2 weeks after surgery, and wear protective glasses for a few weeks after surgery.
- Take care when washing your face and hair for one week after surgery to avoid getting soap in your eyes.
- Avoid swimming for 4 weeks after surgery.
Currently, only Dr Finestone performs Lasik surgery at The Eye and Laser Institute
Floaters and Blind Spots
Floaters are black spots in your vision and can appear either as a grey or black dot or even like strings or flashes of light that move around. The back chamber of your eye is filled with a jelly-like substance called the vitreous.
As you age this substance may become more watery. Sometimes, when this happens, the collagen in the vitreous may start to clump up. When these clumps float close to the light-sensitive retina in the back of the eye, they cast shadows on the retina, and these shadows are what we perceive as eye floaters.